Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I woke up with a spider in my mouth

I kid you not. 3:20AM woke up and felt something in my mouth. I thought I was losing gum tissue. Spit it out into my fingers and turned the light on. Groggily looked at it to see what it was...then I recognized the spider legs. Freaked out and flicked it off my hand and jumped out of bed to check my pillows and covers. What the hell!?!?!? We have a large house. There are plenty of spaces for Charlotte to spin her web. But my mouth? Seriously? I have never been so disgusted. I wish it were a nightmare and not true...

Today took a nap since I didn't sleep well after the "spider" incident. I hope that little sucker got some of my chemo drugs. I am still just very tired and "blah" today. I did make it to Abby's dance class and was thankful that I did. For some reason I am able to find energy when I am in these classes with her and we have a ball. I recorded video of her in her tutu. She is too, too cute.


1 comment:

  1. She is soooo cute! And she has that marching thing down pretty good! That's more than David could ever say, even in high school marching band! Clearly she has your rhythm, which is a good thing!
