Thursday, June 5, 2014

Good to go!

The good news is my platelets are at 122. So I'm clear to have the treatment. The bad news is that my hemoglobin is way down so I need a blood transfusion. They want me to get 2 units. I have an "already cancelled once", "very belated" birthday lunch on Friday that I'm trying not to cancel it again. It means that I will have the infusion today, then one unit of blood this afternoon and then one unit of blood tomorrow morning to be done by lunch. I'm told that the blood will make me feel so much better AND it does not effect the efficacy of the chemotherapy.  I welcome anything that will make me feel better.

I also cannot wait to eat tomorrow and break my fast. The woman in the chair next to me ordered some deli and I can smell the food wafting over here….Yum.  I'm hoping that this gnarly fast, it was very hard this time because of the super restricted calories, makes me have less nausea and no vomiting like the last infusion. I created a "juicing" station at home that I can't wait to start using so I can start juicing fresh veggie juice myself. Apparently, I also should be eating some red meat. But I know I can try with spinach and other iron hearty foods too. I'm excited to drink my almond milk from the "mylkman" and my "beautiful cereal" from Dr. Mao. I'm finding that I'm craving healthy food and will keep that up.


Have a great weekend!!

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