Had my scans, in fact...had the real McCoy PET/CT scan, on Monday. Not just the usual chest x-ray and CAT scan. On Tuesday after sweating bullets I went in to see Dr. McAndrew. I ended up waiting 2 hours to see her. She had one patient ahead of me after the second hour but popped her head in to say "I'm sorry, I'll be there in a little bit but I LIKE the results..."
Basically, the tumors are stable, there is one that has shrunk from 2.4 to 1.6cm but there was one that appeared to be larger but she said that could be an anomaly from the section "cuts" of the machine.
It is good, no great, news!!! So how come I don't feel like celebrating?
I'm tired and stressed out. On Friday I went in for my Zometa infusion and my counts were very low. The lowest they've been so the nurse practitioner ordered a Neupogen shot. Plus I didn't have my regular Zometa nurse Jennifer who changes either the volume or rate on the pump for the infusion so I have less side effects. The low counts explain why I've been so tired (you mean to say, it's not just from dealing with staging this house, running all over town, dealing with kids, and not napping or exercising?)... All in all Friday was a tough day but I was better by Sunday. I even made myself go to a beautiful baby shower on Saturday and gather my wits about me to be able to hold a conversation...but that afternoon I was completely shot and down for the count. I felt flu like, not sure if that was the Zometa or the Neupogen. Regardless, felt yucky but now I'm feeling better.
Since my counts were so low they decided to give me one extra week break off Xeloda pills to attempt to bring my counts back up. Secretly it scares me when this happens but I am also thrilled to have a week break. Yahoo!!
Got the keys to our new home yesterday. I am SO excited. Our current home is on the market and in escrow after a three way bidding war. I want to get through removal of contingencies before we celebrate anything on that end... In the meantime I've set up appointments with painters, floor finishers, swing set guy, pool fence company, DWP, gas company, etc. so that is going to keep me busy for a while.
I cannot wait to get to East Hampton to just chill the f@%# out. I envision efficient and capable movers with white gloves and plenty of deodorant packing us, moving us and unpacking us while I have a meal at my favorite restaurant in the village or play with the kids at a Bay beach... Less then 30 days and counting.