Lorraine drove all the way up from Manhattan Beach to pick me up for acupuncture. She is the sweetest. I told her she didn't have to drive me, I'm feeling fine but she insisted. I love seeing her so I didn't say no. I forgot to ask her if she recommends that I hide Abby's "No David!" book since she had an incident with her daughter Gabi from the book (it involves the naked butt running down the street photo)....ha ha ha! Dr. Mao asked how I was doing so I told him about my tummy issues and taking my first prilosec. He said he didn't like prilosec because it blocks the absorption of calcium and I need calcium during Chemo. He said he would give me different herbs and that the acupuncture today would help. It was a nice session. I mean, as nice a session as you can have with a ton o' needles in you. The heat lamps were nice and I felt comfortable lying there doing my mediation. I asked Dr. Mao how will I know which took care of my tummy issues, the acupuncture or the prilosec this morning? He said to stop taking the prilosec and I will see the difference. So we'll see! But as of now my tummy has been pretty great today. Great news.
Oh, but let's talk about the steroids. I am feeling H-I-G-H. My mom looked at me Monday night after my infusion when I was trying to teach David how to Salsa dance after dinner (and after I searched for my salsa music on our audio request server obsessively for 20 minutes) and said "Oh, yeah, the steroids!" Yes. The Steroids. I feel high for 3 days and then crash Thursday and Friday and Saturday morning. I probably could've hiked 10 miles today up Westridge. I am not kidding. I got SOOOO much done today though. Acupuncture then had to take care of some Mandeville Canyon bills and checks, organize menu plan with Mercy, then take Abby to dance class, to get new ballet slippers (myself included for my adult ballet class I am starting on Thursday with Christina) and to Noah's bagels, then came home, had lunch, fed Leo, worked on our own bills, returned emails, then took a nap myself. Woke up, uploaded some photos from the camera, played with Abby and Leo, went to buy a mattress for the guest room. Didn't really get a workout in today even though I was wearing my lulu lemon. Oh well. But talk about being efficient. I was on a roll today. Thank you ROIDS.
Dexamethasone is a potent synthetic member of the glucocorticoid class of steroid drugs. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant. It is 20 to 30 times more potent than the naturally occurring hormone cortisol and 4 to 5 times more potent than prednisone.
Oh and can I just talk for a quick second about Abby in dance class. Now granted it is probably the most boring dance class on the planet. They never change the routine and the teacher Naomi is pretty dull but most of the other little girls love the class and follow along. And...I'm sure since I got there 15 minutes late and didn't allow for a proper "transition" time for Abby to get warmed up that is part of the problem but...Abby would not follow directions at all today. She was more interested in what all the other girls were wearing in class. Pointing everything out to me. Polka dots! Blue! Green! Flowers in tu-tuuuuu! Sparkles! There was a baby in class and she kept wanting to touch the baby. Then she would run around and hop hop hop hop hop and bounce bounce bounce. I swear I have the ADHD kid. She's not a little lady. She was crazy. Then she was tugging on the ballet bar to spin upside down like they taught her at JAG gym...not so great to do in ballet class where things are supposed to be controlled and classic. Holy hell. She needs to be in a hip hop class. What kind of stupid crap is this anyway? The class is beyond boring. I need to find another one for her to be free form and get out all this energy. It would really, really be nice if someone had a REAL mommy and me dance class that was a workout for both mommy and baby. Where we both felt like we were having fun and accomplishing something at the same time. A sense of fulfillment. Instead the teacher just wants to sit there with other little girls in her lap and tell the story of Cinderella. I seriously wanted to punch the teacher in the face, especially when she gave Abby an annoyed look. What the phaq does Cinderella have to do with dance anyway?? This is supposed to be dancing and twirling and fun. Not story time. It's not the library. It's a dance studio. But I digress. (Ugh, there's those roids again. Now I'm having roid rage...ha ha ha, I crack myself up).
Great article came out today about lymph nodes and breast cancer!
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