Sorry I haven't posted for a while. This round of Chemo knocked me out. I could tell a difference immediately when I got home from Chemo Monday afternoon and I didn't want to go for a hike or handle hand to hand combat with Abby. I just wanted to lay in bed. Plus with the timing of Chemo on Mondays I generally don't get to take a nap. When I get home Abby is just waking up from her no rest for the weary.
In general I just feel worn out. My left leg has been bothering me again. It's like an achy dull pain that travels up my leg but it is concentrated in my left ankle. I am still able to do everything is primarily hurts most at night when I'm trying to go to sleep. Annoying!
Despite how I feel I am still making myself exercise. I went to acupuncture and had the tuina massage on Tuesday then went directly to ballet. Wednesday I headed to pilates. Thursday, I was really dragging but took my big butt over to ballet anyway. I'm glad I did. Yes, I am still the fattest, baldest, least coordinated woman there but I really enjoy it. Leave it to getting cancer to make you do the things you'd wish you'd done long ago. Life is short so start living your life today!
I went yesterday to Shelly's to get some gear. A black leotard, convertible tights, and a skirt (a non-sheer thank you very much). I wanted something thick to cover the rear. Today I will try to get out to do some kind of jog or hike with Abby (although this may prove difficult given the weather today). Maybe I'll try the Tracy Anderson post-partum workout or just USE the amazing yet rarely touched treadmill we have in the gym...
After my workouts I make sure to rest or get a nap in. I really try to sleep. I really do. Sometimes it just doesn't work out though. I am doing my best to "protect" my nap times. I do have a hard time balancing my time still between the kids (it's usually one or the other, if I get a break from Abby then I literally sneak upstairs to be with Leo), exercising, eating or napping. Then there is still the bill paying and errands. It doesn't sound like much but my whole day is occupied. I had to specifically carve out time to write a condolence card to Dr. McAndrew. That was very important and it took some time since I wanted to include the prayers that Rabbi Kirschner had shared with us when Ben died. I found them very comforting and I hope she does too.
After Pilates Wednesday I went over to David's barber Miguel and he cleaned up the back of my neck to make it look more like a hair cut (not just growth from being bald)!
I ordered the new blackberry torch so I could retire my curve 8310. David said the guys in the store would laugh at me for having such an old device. That's why I ordered it over the phone instead. Plus I have a special unlimited data plan that they don't offer anymore so I wasn't going to take a chance that they screw me over with a different plan for more money and less data! So far I am loving it.
I scheduled my first plastic surgeon consultation. The first doctor I am seeing is Dr. Jay Orringer. By chance I am familiar with his office since he shares the penthouse floor with my dentist, Dr. Knopf. At least I won't get lost. I have so many questions that I have to start getting answers for. 1) Lumpectomy...and then what? 2) Reduction and Lift? This allows me to keep my own breast tissue and nipples. And if I do that procedure, how long will that last? Will I be wishing I had a double masectomy 25 years from now? Surgical details? Recovery time? Do I have this done at time of Lumpectomy or wait? Dr. McAndrew said that if I have the reduction and lift before radition she said I may have to have a revision due to tissue shrinkage from the radiated should I just wait to have any additional surgeries until after radiation? If so, will I have a big hole in my breast where the tissue from the lumpectomy was removed? Can I cover that with a "chicken cutlet" (all you B cuppers and under will know what I am talking about!) OR 3) Double Masectomy? Possibility of nipple sparing masectomy? Surgical details and extended recovery time? Type of reconstruction? There are several options to reconstruction that I just don't understand at the moment. Reconstruction with or without implants? Use my own tissue? That sounds promising. I also need to get a mommy tuck anyway so maybe I can just have a whole team of plastic surgeons come in and have a field day putting me back together. My stomach is fine muscle-wise after the twins so I don't need a full tummy tuck but there's some extra skin that needs to disappear. I know that any of these surgeries will require serious recovery. Not so fun with two little munchkins. Anyway, my appointment is next Wednesday afternoon.
Time to go get ready for WBT with Abby so she can see Miss Eeevvvaaaah!
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