Thank you Ron Burgundy. That pretty much sums it up for me most of the time lately. Dealing with cancer can be incredibly isolating.
I thought about Kris Carr, the woman who is behind the "Crazy Sexy Cancer" documentary and line of books and I surmised that she didn't have as much to deal with as I do...a toddler, a newborn and cancer so she could do her alternative research, her yoga, her detox retreats, her work, etc. but still I wouldn't trade places with her in a million trillion years. First of all because I love my babies. That trumps all. Second, because she couldn't and can't get treatment for her cancer. All she can do is LIVE with cancer. I can treat mine, as grueling as it is, and live to be cancer free. That's what I need to be thankful for. Lemonade out of lemons people.
Life is fucking hard right now but I'm keeping "it" together as much as I can!
If cancer is Goliath, then you are David. Although it wasn't easy, remember who won in the end.