I'm trying to get more rest as I promised Ann, Sue, my Mom and everyone else, including Dr. Daly. Last week was my last crazy week! I was running around doing errands like mad and frankly just doing way too much. This week I plan to stick to my room and have visitors make me tea and feed me grapes while we chat and watch television.
Aside from Holiday shopping (which I will do online this year) I have most of my ducks in a row. Last week I got the indoor plants, crystals, and mirrors to make the suggested feng shui changes throughout the house. Art Gallery Services came back and hung the diplomas and remaining art and mirrors. The fresh garland arrived and the wreath and swags were placed. Saw Dr. Daly and Dr. McAndrew. Blood Count looked fine (hemoglobin low again but not too low). I now know the plan going forward and will mentally prepare myself for the next long haul (see previous posting about plan).
For fun stuff, first night of Hanukkah was Wednesday and we had fun lighting the candles with Grammy and opening the first presents. Abby and I went to toddler group Thursday and she just loves Miss Nancy. She says, "Fancy Nancy" all the way to school. She especially loves the music in her class. Really fabulous songs. Then Thursday night we celebrated the second night of hanukkah with Grammy and Uncle Lee Jay and Auntie Trish. Latkes and Applesauce!!! Friday morning we went to Miss Eva's Shabbat Shalom class and had a Hanukkah party. She loves Miss Eva. She sounded like Wall-E in the car..."Eeeeeevaaahhhh, Eeevah"... She loves her class. We said our blessings for Shabbat Shalom and for Hanukkah. She loved Noodle Kugel and more latkes with applesauce plus her favorite...Challaaaaaaahhhhh. She wore her blue velvet hanukkah dress that Grammy gave her last year, it finally fit! She was too precious; see for yourself.
After our class some of my best girls had a lunch for me. It was so nice. I am very blessed to have such amazing friends. We went to my new favorite old restaurant Hillstone (aka Houston's) for veggie rolls, coconut shrimp rolls, salmon, braised red cabbage, brussel sprouts, coleslaw, fries and split a burger with Maggie. I was the first and last one eating, not too shocking! Big thank you to my gals!!
On a side note, I got the two nanny schedules worked out; Wednesday after Dolores' first day she had cooked dinner and left it on the stove. Then when I got home from seeing Dr. McAndrew I had to heat it up and do the final prep (Roxana seems to have a mind block when it comes to anything cooking related)...that wore me out but made me realize that Dolores and Roxana need to have their schedules different. Roxana will now work the morning-afternoon shift while Dolores works the afternoon-evening shift. That way I don't have to worry about dinner one bit. Plus Abby is pretty cranky in the morning so it will help to have the more familiar nanny working with her first. This will all make my life much easier once Peanut arrives in the next week or two...
Here is my to-do list for this week. They are things to do while sitting in bed of course.
- Call Dr. Funk's office for another ultrasound (need to see her ASAP)
- Call Dr. Guiliano's office for appointment
- Call Dr. Gordon for Abby's 2 year check up (call Dr. Sachs to transfer medical records)
- Focus on coordinating breast milk donations
- Call Plastic Surgeons
- I see Dr. Daly at 10:00AM Monday
- I see Dr. Tabsh at 11:30AM Tuesday
- Order and prep for a little tea party for Abby on Sunday the 12th to celebrate her birthday (which is actually on the 13th). Finalize menu with Chef Jason.
- Pick up cupcakes or something for BP Toddler class on Thursday to celebrate birthday too.
- Fill out questionnaire for Dr. Block and get medical records for consult
- Pack Hospital bag
- Final touches in Peanut's nursery
- Holiday shopping
That's it for now... I think!
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